Team Administrator

Mr. David Warshaw

MA. DipEd

David worked for 29 years in the private sector, primarily supplying the UK fashion industry. However, with the eventual decline in the UK garment manufacturing sector, he withdrew from the industry in 2006, latterly working as a company director for a small family business.

He decided at the same time to study part-time for a master’s degree having obtained a bursary in education studies, graduating in 2007 with the prime intention of teaching religious studies in a primary school. However, circumstances changed and at the same time, an opportunity arose for a career change into the public sector working for CNWL NHS Foundation Trust, one of the largest Mental Health Trusts in the UK, working as a Team Administrator for the Harrow Memory Service.

In November 2011, he transferred to the Brent Memory Service where he has been ever since.

He is particularly passionate about customer and patient care and always tries to go the extra mile. David has worked exceptionally closely with Dr. Abhishek Shastri in supporting him with his clinical assessment paperwork and administration for the past 2 years.

You are always assured of David’s friendly, helpful, and confidential service.