
Dementia Awareness for Brent Councillors

On 09.06.2023, Dr. Shastri was part of a panel that delivered dementia awareness training to Brent Councillors.

Councilors of Brent were keen to have this session, as they received a number of enquiries from their constituents regarding dementia care in the London Borough of Brent.

A wide variety of topics were covered such as services and support available for people living with dementia and their carers, ways to access GP and memory services, types of treatments, new and upcoming disease-modifying drugs, and many other pertinent dementia-related queries.

The panel consisted of Sandy Youngson (Making Every Contact Count Officer at Brent Council), Kawal Singh (Memory Lounge at Barham Library), Danny Maher (Community Action for Dementia Brent), Monica Burnett-Thompson (Adult Social Care), and Dr. Abhishek Shastri (Brent Memory Service).

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