Publication List

Journal articles

  • A Shah, U Kishore, A Shastri. 2021 ‘Complement system in Alzheimer’s disease’. International Journal of molecular sciences 22 (24) 13647.

  • A Shastri, S Bangar, A Cavanna. 2020. ‘Atypical antipsychotic medications in delirium: a systematic review’, Journal of Psychopathology, 26: 155-161.

  • G Livingston, H Rostamipour, P Gallagher, C Kalafatis, A Shastri, L Huzzey, K Liu, A Sommerlad, L Marston. ‘Prevalence, management, and outcome of COVID-19 infections in older people and those with dementia on mental health wards: A London cohort study’, Lancet Psychiatry, 2020;7(12):1054-1063. doi:10.1016/S2215-0366(20)30434-X.

  • S DeCordova, A Shastri, A Tsolaki, H Yasmin, L Klein, U Kishore. 2020. ‘Molecular heterogeneity and immunosuppressive microenvironment in Glioblastoma’, Frontiers in Immunology, 11; 1402.

  • A Shastri, L Aimola, B Tooke, A Quirk, O Corrado, C Hood, MJ Crawford. 2019. ‘Recognition and treatment of depression in older adults admitted to acute hospitals in England’, Clinical Medicine, vol. 19 No. 2 p114-118.

  • P Varghese, A Tsolaki, H Yasmin, A Shastri, M Vatish, T Madan, U Kishore. 2020. ‘Host-pathogen interaction in COVID-19: potential therapeutics and vaccination strategies’ Immunobiology, 152008.

  • S DeCordova, A Abdelgany, A Nayak, T Walker, A Shastri, SK Singh, RB Sim, N De Pennington, U Kishore. 2019. ‘Secretion of functionally active complement factor H related protein 5 (CFHR5) by primary tumor cells derived from Glioblastoma multiforme patients’, Immunobiology, 224(5), 625-631.

  • A Shastri, S Bangar, J Holmes. 2016. ‘Obstructive sleep apnoea & Dementia; is there a link?’ International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. Vol 31, Issue 4, p400-405

  • S Bangar, A Shastri, H El-Sayeh, A Cavanna. 2016. ‘Women with Epilepsy: Clinically relevant issues’. Functional Neurology; 31(3): 127-134.

  • A Shastri, DM Bonifati, U Kishore. 2013. ‘Innate immunity and Neuroinflammation’. Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2013, Article ID 342931.

  • L Kouser, SP Madhukaran, A Shastri, A Saraon, J Ferluga, MA Mozaini, U Kishore. 2014. ‘Emerging novel functions of complement protein, C1q’. Frontiers in Immunology; 6:317

  • A Shastri, S Bangar, S Waldman, E Esfahani, N Brindle. ‘Content and Timing of Inpatient Discharge Summaries at the Mount’. 2014. British Journal of Medical Practitioners; 7(3):a724.


  • A Shastri. Cloning expression and characterization of the globular head regions of mouse C1q. Master of Philosophy thesis. 2014. Full text available at:

Book(s) Edited

  • Multiple Sclerosis: Genetics, Disease Mechanisms and Clinical Developments (Eds. U Kishore & A Shastri) published by InTechOpen, London.

Book chapters

  • A Shastri, DM Bonifati, U Kishore. 2013. ‘Other Dementias’ In Neurodegenerative Diseases. Edited by U Kishore, Intech, ISBN 980-953-307-722-7.

  • A Shastri, I Singh, U Kishore. 2023. ‘Innate Immunopathological mechanisms in Multiple Sclerosis’ in Multiple Sclerosis: Genetics, Disease Mechanisms, and Clinical Developments, InTechOpen, London.

  • A Shastri, H Yasmin, U Kishore. 2023. ‘Innate immunity and CNS’ (manuscript in preparation) In Innate Immunity: Pattern recognition and effector mechanisms. Edited by U Kishore & A George, Springer Nature


  • A Shastri, AG Tsolaki, S Vecchiarelli, DA Mitchell, YM Ali, WJ Schwaeble, U Kishore. 2014. ‘Cloning, expression, and characterization of globular heads of mouse C1q’. Abstract in Immunology, 140 (Suppl. 1) p 76.

  • A Shastri & S Sinha, Initiation & monitoring of Lithium therapy in Poole Older People Mental Health Service. RCPsych Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry Annual Scientific Meeting (2015); Abstracts & Biographies: no. 64; p 59.

  • A Shastri & D Scala, ‘Steps taken to reduce Did-not-attend rates at Christchurch & Southbourne CMHT’, Abstract in Faculty of General Adult Psychiatry Conference (2015) Abstract Book p. 47.

  • A Shastri & S Bangar, ‘Atypical antipsychotic medications in the treatment of delirium’, Abstract in Faculty of Liaison Psychiatry Conference (2018) Abstract Book p. 22.

  • S Bangar & A Shastri, ‘Time to wake up to sleep disorders in dementia’ J Alzheimers Dis Parkinsonism (2018), Volume 8; doi:10.4172/2161-0460-C3-042

  • B Balasubramanium, A Shastri, A Bailey, A Lingford-Hughes, A Venkataraman, ‘The documentation of alcohol histories in a cohort of dementia patients’ Journal of Psychopharmacology: supplement to issue 32, number 8 (2018)

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